<% ShowNow = Request("id") if shownow = "" then firsttime = 1 end if Set MyConn1=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set RS1=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") SQL1 = "select * from Recipes order by date desc" MyConn1.Open "DSN=PiersmaCountry;SERVER=T8100\sqlexpress;DATABASE=PiersmaCountry;UID=sa;PWD=geofreys" RS1.Open SQL1, MyConn1 WHILE NOT RS1.EOF %>
 Owner  Title Date
<% hits = 0 Do While Not RS1.eof 'flip color of each row to make easy to read if cellcolor = "f5f5f4" then cellcolor = "e6e6e6" else cellcolor = "f5f5f4" end if 'count number of hits hits = hits + 1 'decide what to display if firsttime= 1 then ShowNow = RS1("recipe_id") firsttime=2 end if %> <% RS1.MoveNext Loop Wend RS1.Close MyConn1.Close Set RS1 = Nothing Set MyConn1 = Nothing %>
 <%=RS1("owner")%> "><%=RS1("title")%> ">Display ">Delete <%=RS1("date")%>
Add YOUR Recipe..click Here!
<% 'Data code for display of Individual Recipe Set MyConn2=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set RS2=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") SQL2 = "select * from Recipes where recipe_id = '" & ShowNow & "'" MyConn2.Open "DSN=PiersmaCountry;SERVER=T8100\sqlexpress;DATABASE=PiersmaCountry;UID=sa;PWD=geofreys" RS2.Open SQL2, MyConn2 %>
Contributed by :<%=RS2("Owner")%>
On: <%=RS2("Date")%>

Title: <%=RS2("Title")%>


_BIG.jpg"> " width="350">